
Monday, December 24, 2018

'Why Study Organizations?\r'

'In rescript to answer an endeavor question, firstly gear of solely, we subscribe to to understand what is meant by the destination ‘ government’ from the sociological point of view. Then we compulsion to understand what role governings atomic number 18 compete in our life and why it is essential to breeding them. As we cease imagine, in that location ar different types of organizations. All of them grow their own fond organize and aim. In this essay I would deal to focus on condescension organizations: how they appe atomic number 18d and developed; how employees’ relations were changing, etc.tera\r\nI would like to contain the limited attention to such(prenominal) de give outment as Human vision Management †how this term appe bed and why it is so big nowadays. So, why do we actually demand to choose organizations? This question, from my point of view, has a touchablely escaped and obvious answer: we necessitate to convey organizations for the same reason we hire the introduction around us. We ar intelligent and risible muckle. We always have an explanation of what is happening, how the involvements are move arounding, and what place do we take among a nonher(prenominal) people.\r\nOrganizations are the huge part of our raw daily life: we either study or micturate for them, or we are obtaining goods and services from them. We are interacting with organizations all the cartridge holder, so it is non surprising, that we want to study them; and it does non matter if you are a jitney or consumer †you are still intricate in it and you want to be awake of what is happening around you. What is organization? In sociology term ‘organization’ has a very general meaning. This â€Å"is basically a mental synthesis for carrying out a particular social activity on a unfluctuating basis” (Fulcher and Scott, 2009; p. 542).\r\nAll the organizations welcome such features as particular goal, defined membership, rules of behaviour, and warrant relationships. This is also of the essence(p) to mention, that all organizations have the characteristic of continuity. This doer that personnel can be changing, solely the organization leave still exist. There is no promiscuous definition of what social units come into the syndicate of organizations. Some of them are easy to define, early(a) pass on bring us around difficulties. For instance, business corporations, schools, hospitals, betray unions are definitely organizations, as they all have the characteristics mentioned before.\r\nOn the other hand, communities, social groups, and class are not organizations, as they do not have rules of behaviour or specific goals. The problem can occur, when we come crosswise the term ‘institution’. The first thing we need to understand here is that organization is not an institution. Institution is â€Å"an established arrange that regulate the v arious activities that make up social life” (Fulcher and Scott, 2009; p. 543). The close putting green ex angstromles of institutions in daily life are weddings and funerals. Although, these are two different call, in that location is one class of organizations which is called join institution.\r\n close of the organizations leave people with their separate unavowed lives, but it is not the case with total institution. It is characterised by such features as slicing of private life, planned and supervised activities, piercing division between staff and inmates, the disappointment of the self. The biggest examples of the total institution are psychic hospital and prison, where people are obscure from the outside domain of a function and confederacy. Now we recognize what defines organizations, but we still did not reduce to the point why do we need to study them.\r\nFrom my point of view, it is essential to tonicity at the historical background of organizations . We need to understand how they were appearing and developing sewer the clip, in society to understand how they are business officeing nowadays. In this essay I have decided to look specifically at one type of organizations †business corporations. Weber (1914) utter that modern society is distinguished from the earlier one by the appearance of the multiplicity of administrative tasks and the need to expertise and carry them. He called it â€Å"the shift magnitude complexity of civilization”.\r\nWeber said that this phenomenon is caused by growing size of organizations, greater wealth and increasing social problems. If we would conjure up to the history of organizations, we can see the prodigious changes in structure, polices, employee relations, values, etc. The first busy in organizations appeared in the nineteenth century, which was drive by industrialization. Industrial revolution was caused by development of technologies, which completely changed the struc ture of most of the organizations, and lead to the transformation of society.\r\nThe introduction of manufacturing mental dish out completely changed the conflict relations. Discipline was the fall upon feature of the new organization, as it helped to go for and organize people more efficaciously †this lead to the process of bureaucratization. New industrialists were expression for the profitable production. In coif to discover it, they needed punctuality and uninterrupted create during fixed hours from their employees. These targets were get hold ofd by bureaucratisation, which was central to the administrative revolution. These rganizations were highly rational, they functioned in a elucidate and unemotional manner, their activities were calculated, bodyatic and predictable. This procession helped the manufacturers increase the return on their capital. This new manufacturing process was the beginning of the new era of employment relations. Bureaucracy is a sys tematic approach; all the workers had their duties and were paid respectively. But, as many other theories, this system did not work so smooth in the real life, as it seemed on paper. Employers’ main purpose was to increase the profit, in order to do so, they were underpaying their employees.\r\nAt the beginning people were contented just to have jobs, but the time passed and workers started to understand and fight for their human rights. This office staff caused the appearance of the new type of organizations called ‘trade unions’. Trade union is an organization of workers, who tied(p) together in order to achieve better working conditions. It is suggested that the origins of trade unions grade in the failure of the early manufactory act to protect children and women at the work place; as a core many began to work together, forming unions to agitate for change in the law and greater respect for the workers (BBC).\r\nAs we can see, relationships between em ployers and workers were acquire more and more complicated. In order to keep company’s profitability, employers had to collaborate workers’ conditions †this brought the necessity of new management approach, which was called scientific or personnel management. This approach was first introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th century. Personnel Management was an administrative record-keeping function; it attempted to maintain fair terms and conditions for employees. This was the beginning of the employee relations.\r\nIts main idea was to pay people for their productivity, the new reward system was introduced. In other words people were paid for the amount of time they worked and for the meter of items they produced. This was the beginning of new era of management. belatedly Personnel Management evolved into the Human election Management, it was again caused by the employee’s unsatiable demands. concourse were paid properly, but it was no t enough anymore. Workers were tired of being enured as machines, they were demanding for more personalized attitude. It was the time when Human Resource Management was introduced.\r\nIt was concern with carrying out the same functional activities traditionally performed by the personnel function, such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, etc. But HRM approach was looking at employees from the point of view, that they are the main organisational assets. It was seeking to achieve the competitive returns trough the strategic development of highly committed and capable work force. In other words, employers were sampleing to create the sluttish and friendly working environs, in order to keep the shell employees in the company.\r\nAs we can see from the historical background, there were massive changes in the organizational structure; and these changes appeared in a relatively elfin amount of time. We are alert in the world of progress , where everything is developing so fast, that it is sometimes very hard to catch up. By ‘everything’ I mean every facet of our lives: technologies, government, countries, and of course people. People is the most important cause of all these changes: organization, on the first place, is all most its employees †without them it wouldn’t exist.\r\n view about personal development, I would like to mention Maslow Hierarchy of needs: This benefit clearly explains how workers’ needs were changing done the time: first of all they needed job to earn money for living; when they got it they needed to be secure that their income would be stable (Trade Unions appear); then they needed to regain comfortable in their working environment (Personnel Management); the top two requirements consider the personal recognition and the opportunity for development (this is what HRM is traffic with).\r\nSummarising everything said above, we can finally try to answer the q uestion: â€Å"Why do we need to study organizations? ” Organizations are imprescriptible part of our life: we are dealing with them lots in any aspect of our lives. We all study at the University at the moment, which means we are all part of this organization. In the future we are freeing to commence the job and, most likely nowadays, going to be the part of another organization. As we can see, we cannot avoid this component of our life. As the Latin saying claims: â€Å"Forewarned, forearmed”.\r\nStudying organisations gives us an opportunity to know more about the world we live in, to know our lives and hitch our chances. As we can see from the history. It was people, who changed the structure of organizations †simple workers, who was looking for better life. The world has changed a lot and it keeps on changing. Organizations nowadays have to be more elastic and open-minded, in order to attract the best ‘human assets’ and remain competitive; broad amounts of money are spent on the Human Resource Development.\r\nThere is farsightedness that the relationship that individuals will have with organizations will change: there were no thirster be fixed working lives. People still need to earn money, but they do not want to be tied up with their jobs. Humanity is developing, we are having different demands and priorities from our predecessors. To go with the times, we need to study the society we live in, and organizations is one of its biggest and important parts nowadays.\r\nReferences\r\n1. BBC/Learning zone broad Band. Why Did the Trade Unions Come some? Available at: < http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/why-did-the-trade-unions-come-about/11082.html> Accessed: 20/03/2011 2. Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2007) Human Resource Management: theory & Practice (4th edition). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke. 3. Clegg, S. and Hardy, C. (1999), Studying Organizations: hypothesis and Method. capital of the United K ingdom: Sage. 4. Clegg, S. Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T. (2008) Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. London: Sage. 5. Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2009) Sociology (OUP, 3rd edition). Oxford University Press. 6. Giddens, Anthony. (2009) Sociology (6th edition). Cambridge: Polity Press. 7. Storey, J. (1995), Human Resource Management. London: Routledge.\r\n'

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