
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'Explain how to support children and young people’s self-confidence and self-esteem Essay\r'

'It is important to support squirtren’s confidence and self-esteem because it will help them evoke into confident adults. Support will fetch value, faith and confidence and they will be more likely to lead a talented and productive adult life. self-pride is a way a infant olfactory sensations about themselves. E rattlingone has it in different degrees. A kid with high self-esteem broadly speaking feels honorable about themselves and feels they eat a lot to offer. A small fry with impression or poor self-esteem for the most part feels valueless and that they have little to contribute. Without exacting self-esteem it is highly unlikely that a child would have a full, blissful and productive life.\r\nThe development of self-esteem starts very early in life. For example, when a child learns to walk or talk they feel a sense of having achieved something. Praise and encouragement at this point from p arnts, or muckle important in their life, boosts the arbitrar y feelings they have about themselves and encourages the child to go on achieving. Love, praise and encouragement be meaty elements in helping a child develop a positive self-esteem. Be positive and affirming of the child/young individual in all(prenominal) situations. Believe in the child/young person and come on it †let them know they ar a worthwhile, lovable individual. Give praise and positive feedback †children and young people measure their worth and achievements by what other people compute of them.\r\nFor example, you might say â€Å"Well tiree, that was hard, and you managed it, intellectual boy/girl” Reassure them that it’s OK to unsex mistakes and that it’s all part of growing up. Avoid macrocosm too critical †this directly reparation confidence. Acknowledge their feelings †and help them express their feelings in words. For example, encourage them to say, â€Å"I’m stressed because…” or â€Å"I fee l happy when…” Focus on strengths, not weaknesses sidle up the things they are good at.\r\nRespect the child’s interest’s comment to show you’re listening. Accept that their anxieties are real to them, e.g. fear of monsters in the puritanic †even if they seem trivial to you, don’t just brush them aside. promote independence †encourage them to take chances and turn up new things. Succeeding gives a grand boost to confidence, and sometimes they will wish to learn by their mistakes. Focus on their supremacyes, whatever they can gain ground at. put on’t focus on their failures. foster children discover and develop their talents. Finding something that they are good at provides a extensive boost to their feelings of self-worth.\r\nMake sure your expectations of them are achievable and realistic. A small success boosts self-esteem while failures can balk away at their self-esteem. Make it easier for children to succeed an d shine. If you are feeling particularly good about the child tell them. Children ofttimes hear negative comments but what you call for them to remember and to take forward with them are positive thoughts. Sometimes small chemical group works or just public lecture at circle time back up them to talk about things they enjoy. Help make them feel included in termination making and answer their questions in a thoughtful way\r\n'

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