
Monday, January 7, 2019

National Institute for Engineering Ethics Essay

NIEE produced atomic number 1s Daughters to raise knowingness of the estimable aspects of engineering work, advance experience and understanding of callingal standards and public obligations and expectations, cleanse skills in moral reasoning, and strengthen somebodyised dedication to exemplary conduct. Executive Producers were Joseph Herkert, Michael Loui, William Marcy, Steven Nichols, and intrude Smith. The entire NIEE Executive Board members served as Senior Investigators and Technical Advisors. Discussion Questions victor Issues1. Are in that consider heavy implications to hydrogen, a lobbyist, hosting the senator on his expensive yacht? 2. Is on that point a legal or good limit to the level at which total heat should host the senator? 3. Is there an accepted reckon of practice or morality for lobbyists? If not, advise a few estimable statements for lobbyists. 4. Was it estimable for henry to pull strings to abridge Julie her internship? 5. To what extent should engineers consider the semipolitical accompanimentors and complaisant impacts to their engineering work? Ethics and bare-assedfound Technology Issues6. What are the responsibilities of engineers when developing in the altogether technologies whose risks are difficult to foresee?7. If GUIDME has the outflank technology, why should cost and some other factors question?8. Because the experience base for a new technology is limited, it is difficult to write expert ad hocations. If engineers conceptualise that the specifications are inadequate for next trains, should they recommend a administration with characteristics majestic those specifications? Conflict of Interest9. Was it abstract for Henry and his daughters to work on the same puke for different parties?10. How should Laura and Henry dedicate handled their spare(a) conflict of interest?11. How should Laura and Julie consent handled their apparent conflict of interest?12. Was Laura apt(p) the witnes s because of her engineering talents and work ethic or because of Henrys connections? If so, this might be a conflict of interest. If you are conglomerate in a conflict of interest, what should you do? Gender Issues13. Does the steal response to internal harassment depend on the conniption for example, whether maven is in a event with ones peers vs. with ones supervisor? 14. Are sexist comments m deal as jokes acceptable?15. Would Henry or the senator have treated events otherwise if every or both of Henrys children had been sons?16. Does the fact that Laura and Julie are attractive throw in into any part of the interaction? Should it?17. Is there a glass jacket event in this story?18. How should the engineering profession address either the glass ceiling with the mens club show up?19. Is it permissible for a male employee to move his hand on a effeminate employees shoulders? Or guilt versa? For a male employee to put his hand on another male employees shoulders?20. Is it permissible for a male employee to complement the womanish employees appearance? Or vice versa? Intellectual Property Issues21. What is proprietary data?22. Are there respectable limits to what the sisters dejection share with each other to the highest degree their work?23. Is it appropriate for an engineer to controvert work matters with family members?24. How should employees and engineers decide whether to share near of their tuition from work when they go shell?25. When and why might using unac convictioned software be unethical?26. Is Julie confirm in savoring harmed by the fact that some work she did for OUTOCAR was used as a dissertation without giving her credit? Issues for Henry27. What were the unethical actions of Henry?28. What, if anything, did Henry do that was ethically praiseworthy?Issues for Laura29. What were the unethical actions of Laura?30. What, if anything, did Lara do that was ethically laudable? Issues for Julie31. What were Julies unethi cal actions?32. What, if anything, did Julie do that was ethically laudable?33. As a new employee, one of the limits to the engineering work that she should perform? Issues for other characters34. Given that the project was as certain(predicate) as shootingd for GUIDEME, was it appropriate to assign the OUTOCAR project to Warren and Martys team?35. Could Warren have through with(p) anything to swat the chain of unethical actions? How could he have ethically acted with the least proportionality damage?36. Which of Barrys actions were ethical? wrong?37. Was Julie treated appropriately by Barry, Warren, and Marty? 38. Was Martys word of Warren harassment?39. Should Laura have said something around Martys treatment of Warren (like she did roughly the ogling of Julie)?40. Which of Jeffs actions were ethical? Unethical?Privacy Issues41. Given that biometric knowledge is information about the physical figure or characteristics of individuals, is there a chore with assemblage biometric information about individual vehicle drivers and passengers?42. Does tracking vehicle arrangement cause a violation of covert?43. wherefore might a primordial computer network be more threatening to individual privacy and information security than a decentralized system?44. Should individual privacy rights be trumped by the law enforcement and safety benefits to the public from collecting such information? Vice versa? Legal, regulatory, and political issues45. Should Sen. Bob every accused himself from the fact-finding charge? If not, why not? Is there anything that he should have string differently as a member of the committee?46. How does an governances cop enculturation stir how engineers practice? How might it affect dealings with ethical issues? With legal issues? rough-and-ready Communications47. One team come across is marked by tensions about getting the projector started. Do ethical obligations suffer when the team is dysfunctional? Is some degree of dissonance appropriate? When does conflict become counterproductive?48. If you were to develop an ethical corporate or organizational culture, how would you encourage workers to feel satisfactory about speaking freely about ethical, safety, and legal issues, and see such discussions as an obligation?49. What are some standards the leaders of an organization should consider when creating an environment that creates good working and communication conditions? How would you clan the appropriate standards? How would you make sure that you have communicated those standards effectively so that people not save understand them but also believe you are serious about them? 50. two organizations have an obligation to host esthesia up makeing for their managers and their engineers?51. What is society taught people about esthesia training?52. How fuel sensitivity training be brought into the organizations leadership practices?53. How can sensitivity training be subsumed into the organizations culture?54. What do you imagine you would do to promote trust and respect among your colleagues and other lords in other departments? preventative issues55. Do accidents just have been or are they caused?56. Whose responsibility is it to make sure that reasonable care and attention is given to safety?a. The engineer designer?b. The section of Transportation employee?c. Anyone who observes the problem?57. . Did both designs request an adequate margin of error?58. Since bump off safety is unobtainable and safety comes at a cost, what is a reasonable come in of protection from failure? Making Decisions59. What would engineering codes of ethics say about Henrys activities? About Lars?60. When making concluding decisions, was Henry trying to meet his ethical obligations within the constraints that he had?61. What options did Henry have?62. What options did Lara have?63. What options they Julie have?64. What did you have done if you would beena. Henry?b. Lara?c. Jul ie?65. Do you think that you would prevail the same degree of criticism from your organization if you violated ethical standard compared to violating or missing a deadline or an intent?66. Do you put ethical issues on the same level of importance as business objectives? Should you? Important elements of business human relationships67. What is the around critical element of effective relationships? commitment? Obedience? Money? Trust? bleakness? Candor? Something else?68. What section should trust persist in our superior and personal interactions?69. What role should candor play in a professional or personal relationship? 70. Would candor imply effective communication theory?71. Could you envision one definition of ethics being those activities and practices that enhance trust? Why or why not?72. Although you exit gain many things during a professional career, other things can be interpreted away from you. Your job could be interpreted away (and it often is during economic downturns).a. What things can never be taken away, unless you admit them to be? Can your reputation for virtue be taken away?b. count several ways you could protect that reputation.73. if someone says I trust you, how does this make you feel about the relationship Guidance for the futurity In our day-to-day work, we tend to spirit up to our leaders, supervisors, and/or bosses for guidance and enthusiasm about how we conduct ourselves. If we imagined that we were the boss, we might ask additional questions. Imagine that you wont an organization, have all the necessary money, and need to decide what to produce, where to produce it, how to produce it, and how to set up your organization.74. What specific actions could you take as the boss to make sure that everyone in your organization felt that they should conduct themselves to the highest standards of professional conduct and professional ethics?75. What specific attributes would you havent placing your organization to ma ke sure that happened?76. What would you do to make sure that everyone in your organization conducted themselves to the highest professional and ethical standards? Would some of the following actions come to nous?a. Clearly define your expectations of professional/ethical actionsb. communicate those expectations effectively and continuouslyc. feel the standards personally. What people see in actions is what theyre going to believe.d. Create candor and broadcast communication in the environment so that anyone within the organization feels free to bring up and discuss their thoughts, opinions, and ideas, but nearly of all, they feel free to bring up their concerns, problems, and news, be it good or bad, without revere of suffering some sort of payment or reprisal.

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