
Sunday, December 16, 2018

'Explain How Groups Can Influence People in Positive and Negative Ways Essay\r'

'Being part of a conclave disregard bear an individual a sense experience of security, a boost to their ego- think of and a feeling of belonging. They may see themselves as be part of an ‘in- conclave’. Being part of a concourse that is seen as universe better than new(prenominal)s (an ‘in- gathering’), can urinate a bond between the members. People of different races or religions, or rival gangs, would be seen as being the ‘ come on-group’. The sense of security and bonding with the other members can come from having people around you that argon clear with you, and knowing that you gather in somebody facial expression out(p) for you if and when things go defame. Having people depending on you in a drawship type can give boost an individual’s self esteem. thither are m either blackb altogethers that can come with being part of a group also. Peer stuff and the feeling of having to conform in ways in which may seem inapp ropriate, could cause members to go on with decisions and doings made, so that they fit in pull cut down though they know the outcomes won’t perhaps be the best sensationnesss. The hug to conform in front of other members of a group was unembellished in an experiment carried out by Solomon Asch in the mid-fifties. It showed how members of a group will go along with decisions that others make nonetheless though they know that it’s not necessarily the correct choice. A atomic group were shown a picture of a atmosphere and then asked out of three other lines, which one was the same length. Several members of the group deliberately gave the wrong answer. They had been influenced by the experimenters. The results showed that the level of conformity grew when the answers were said out loud. The level of conformity decreased when the participants were asked to write down their answers in private. The members (not in on the experiment) all the way tangle that the y needed to conform with the rest of the group, whether it was because they didn’t emergency to seem stupid or they just mat up pressured into agreeing and not being the odd one out.\r\nDuring the 1950s and 1960s an experiment carried out by Muzafer Sherif et al (1961) took a group of boys from a summer gang and divided them into two groups. The boys inter identification numbered well at first, working together and behaving in\r\nways that would be expected, until they align up a tournament type competition. The behaviour between the groups very quickly turned negative with name calling, hostility and aggression. Within the groups though, the level of solidarity was extremely high between the boys. Once the experimenters intervened and introduced activities that encouraged the groups to work together again, the boys were equal to(p) to cooperate well and any bad feelings were forgotten. This experiment shows how peer pressure clear had quite an influence on the boysà ¢â‚¬â„¢ behaviour as the aggression felt towards the other group clearly wasn’t personal as the negative behaviour was quickly forgotten once the experimenters took control. It seems more so that one member, possibly the boy seen as the ‘leader’, made a move, quickly the rest of the group’s behaviour changed one by one escalating to such hostilities. The members of the individual groups would have felt as though they were the ‘in-groups’ and probably felt a sense of security in that they had others working with them and the self esteem of the ‘leader’ would have risen significantly.\r\nAnother pillowcase of how being part of a group can have it’s negatives and positives is the story of Dorinne Kondo (1990). She was a Nipponese American woman who, having lived all her life in America, goes to lacquer to study. There, she stays with a Nipponese family, the Sakamotos. Kondo finds it nasty to conform from the start of her visit and she feels she is being judged for smell Nipponese but not acting in the correct manner or being able to properly communicate as she didn’t tattle the language. After spending time and helping out with the family she is staying with, Kondo gradually learns the way to do things to suit the Japanese culture. After she gets praise from Mr Sakamoto himself for greeting him with a defer in the traditional manner and when her teacher praises her flawless performance at the tea ceremony, Kondo will no doubt have had a boost to her self esteem and possibly a bonding with the Japanese women. The negatives seem to out-weigh the positives during Kondo’s time in Japan though as she struggled with the fact that women are seen as being below the males and having to bow down (literally) to them. She felt obliged to take on the ‘daughter’ role during her stay and a feeling of peer pressure to perform as a Japanese woman, even though it wasn’t necessari ly the way she would act in her life in America.\r\nIn demonstration being in a social group (the boys from the Robbers Cave experiment) there seemed to be more positives as the boys felt they had others on their side and lots of tail end up when things turned bad. Their self esteem would have been pretty high and the bond between them all would of grown as the time went on. Kondos story, which showed more of a cultural group, had more negatives as she really felt the pressure to conform to suit her cultural group and setting.\r\n'

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