Autobiography paper example
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Elements of Marketing Essay Example for Free
Components of Marketing Essay There are a few perspectives and meaning of showcasing. The most generally acknowledged definition is that of the American Marketing Association, the expert association for advertising professionals and teachers, which characterizes showcasing as â€Å"the procedure of arranging and executing the origination, evaluating, advancement, and circulation of thoughts, products, and administrations to make trades that fulfill individual and authoritative objectives†Components of Marketing Advertising Research Advertising is by definition a procedure of arranging and executing to address customer issues. It comprehends what are real customer needs and needs. Showcasing research is the procedure wherein assortment of information by deliberately assists with distinguishing consumer’s needs. The Four Ps The core of advertising procedure is the improvement of a reaction to showcase royal residence. Showcasing by definition clarifies the idea of execution, estimating, advancement and right position of products, thoughts and administrations. To react to clients, a decent association create item as indicated by eagerness of its buyer, distinguish suitable spot for accessibility lastly and elevate its item to make recognition in its clients mind. Item, Price, Place and advancements are four Ps of promoting which are utilize numerous associations to characterize its advertising system. Item: Product speaks to merchandise, administrations, or thoughts offered by a firm. Value: Price centers around what clients are happy to pay for administrations. What cost really suits to purchaser to purchase merchandise? An organization gives great or administrations and a client ready to trade dollars to fulfill its needs. Spot: Spot speaks to the way or explicit zone where organization will disseminate its merchandise or offer types of assistance to its clients. This choice organization takes after cautious and successful advertising research. Advancement: The last P speaks to advancement. Verifiably it is eminent with ad which is mean showcasing. Advancements exercises include making mindfulness in buyers psyche to see how they can address their issues. Second methodology is to characterize STP’s STP (division, Targeting, Positioning) Segmentation: It is Process of separating the market as per similitudes that exist among the different subgroups inside the market. The similitudes might be regular qualities or basic needs and wants. One of the principle purposes behind utilizing market division is to help organizations to all the more likely comprehend the necessities of a particular client base. Mass promoting accept that all clients are the equivalent and will react to a similar publicizing. By taking a gander at manners by which potential client bunches are not quite the same as one another, the promoting message can be better focused to the necessities and needs of those individuals. Market division methodologies that meet these models can cover wide scope of customer qualities. Subsets might be characterized by fundamental socioeconomics like age, race, or sexual orientation, for instance. Different characteristics, as instructive foundation or pay can likewise be utilized, as can area. A portion of the possibly most impressive factors by which to fragment a market are conduct ones, including social class, way of life, and premiums.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Specialization and Economic Organization Scale †Free Samples
Question: Talk about the Specialization and Economic Organization Scale. Answer: Presentation Throughout the years, the financial examples in the worldwide situation have experienced critical elements and changes attributable to the expanding incorporation and comprehensiveness of the economies of the nations over the various pieces of the world. Quite a bit of these elements in the financial exercises can be ascribed to the worldwide marvels like Globalization and Liberalization of the majority of the economies and their business segments, which have helped in setting up business relations between various nations (Holland, 2018). Exchange has created with time, which thusly has prompted advancement and flourishment of various ventures in various nations and has helped in making various organizations going worldwide. There are a few variables which have extensive ramifications on these creation and exchanging exercises of the countries, in this way impactsly affecting the improvement of the economies of these nations. One of such factors of extensive significance is prevalently known as the idea of Economies of Scale in the hypothetical structure of financial aspects (Polkinghorn, 2016). Contemplating this the concerned article attempts to talk about the idea of economies of scale in the light of the hypothetical structure of financial aspects, along these lines examining the genuine use of the equivalent in the worldwide monetary situation and the commitment of the equivalent in the financial development and improvement of various districts over the world with time. As talked about above, financial matters, as a different space itself, has impressive importance and suggestions on the genuine monetary situations of the world overall and on the nations in explicit. One of such monetary standard is known as the economies of scale. There exist various clarifications and meanings of the term, which have additionally changed with time. In any case, the most far reaching clarification of the term is that it alludes to the points of interest as far as cost of creation, which a maker or a firm appreciates with increment in the degree of yield with time (Carlino, 2012). To comprehend the idea of economies of scale and how it functions it is imperative to think about the structure of the expense of creation of merchandise and ventures which is typically acquired by the organization. There are generally two kinds of expenses brought about by a firm while doing the creation exercises (Baumol Blinder, 2015). These expenses are: Fixed expense There are a few costs which are acquired by the makers in their creation procedure, which don't rely upon the quantity of units of yield delivered by the organization. These expenses stay consistent ordinarily however a pertinent scope of creation. Instances of such expenses are lease, apparatuses, plants and comparable different components of creation. Variable cost-These expenses brought about by the organizations in their creation forms rely upon the quantity of units of yield delivered by the organizations. By and large, the variable expense of creation increment with the expansion in the creation of yields, the pace of progress shifting with time. The essential instances of variable expenses of creation are those of wages, cost of purchasing halfway materials and sources of info required for creation, utilities and comparative wares (Hall Lieberman, 2012). In this manner, all out expense of creation of products and ventures can be appeared as follows: Complete Cost (TC) = Total Fixed Cost (TFC)+Total Variable Cost (TVC) In this way, as the makers start with their creation exercises, at first the fixed expense of creation may appear to be high much of the time. Be that as it may, with the expansion in the quantity of units of yield, the normal fixed expense continues diminishing (Harrison, 2017). This can be appeared with the assistance of the accompanying equation: Normal Cost of Production (AC) = Total Cost (TC)/Total Quantity (Q) Accordingly, AC = (TFC/Q) + (TVC/Q) Air conditioning = AFC + AVC With the expansion in Q, TFC remining steady, (TFC/Q) diminishes which suggests that there is a decrease in the normal fixed expense of creation. The more prominent the amount of yield which is delivered by the providers, the lower is the normal fixed expense of creation. This backwards connection between the creation of yield and the normal fixed expense of creation offers ascend to a bit of leeway in the expense of creation, which is known as the Economies of Scale in the reasonable system (Rader, 2014). Regularly, with the expansion underway, the normal variable expenses of creation likewise decline, attributable to the gained efficiencies in the operational structure with time. In this manner, together these elements lead to fall in the normal expense of per unit of yield with the expansion in the creation of yield. This wonder is known as economies of scale or expanding comes back to scale underway (Varian, 2014). This can be appeared with the assistance of the accompanying figu re, demonstrating the elements over the long haul normal expense of creation of the organizations: As can be seen from the above figure, in the underlying stage, with the expansion in the creation of yield the normal expense of creation falls, in this manner prompting economies of scale. In any case, with all the things staying same, after some purpose of time, the expense of creation stays steady with the expansion in yield, trailed by a stage where the increment in the creation of yield prompts an expansion in the normal expense of creation once more, which monetary terms is known as the Diseconomies of Scale (Wiseman, 2014). Reasons for economies of scale There generally stays a few components adding to the event of economies of scale in the creation procedure of an organization. A portion of the essential ones are talked about as follows: Less expensive Materials-As the creation organizations continue expanding their business and creation, they set up long haul associations with the providers of the sources of info which are required for the creation of their wares. This thusly helps the makers in haggling better at the costs of the materials required for the creation of their products. This thus, brings down their expense of creation, along these lines adding to the economies of scale over the long haul (Balassa, 2013). Aptitudes of the work Efficiency of works is a central reason for the event of economies of scale in an organization. Organizations recruiting prepared work get the advantage of more elevated levels of creation and the expansion in the expense of the organizations in employing prepared works over undeveloped ones is more than remunerated by the increment in the profitability which the firm encounters because of the inclusion of the prepared works. This, in this way, prompts the inception of economies of scale in the creation procedures of the organizations. Mechanical developments With time there happens advancements in the innovative parts of the creation procedure of the organizations. Consolidation of such as good as ever advancements in the creation exercises either lessens the expense of creation of every unit of item or builds the nature of the items delivered by the firm, in this way bringing about the economies of scale for the concerned firms (Yang Ng, 2015). Aside from these elements, different traits like productive administrations, legitimate upkeep of budgetary resource utilization and solid gracefully chain the board can contribute in the arrangement of economies of scale in the organizations. Sorts of economies of scale The wonder of economies of scale can be comprehensively grouped into two sorts, contingent upon the idea of the economies of scale and the purposes behind their event. These are as per the following: These two sorts of economies of scale and their attributes are talked about as follows: Inside Economies of Scale-This sort of economies of scale happen inside the firm itself, emotional to the cost focal points which the firm itself appreciates because of the extension of its size of creation. These focal points happen to the concerned firm, autonomously, regardless of the activities and settlements delighted in by different firms in a similar industry or in the business with linkages with the concerned firm. These economies of scale are exceptionally emotional to the organizations encountering the equivalent and are not aftereffects of any sort of expansive developments or changes in the structure of generally creation forms (Economies of Scale - Definition, Types, Effects of Economies of Scale, 2018). The principle sorts of inward economies of scale are as per the following: Specialized Economies of Scale-A firm appreciates this sort of interior economies of scale by fusing better advancements, better machines and creation expanding procedures, which drives an expansion in the creation and a synchronous decline in the normal expense of creation. Economies of By-Products Usage-Often the side-effects which turn out during the time spent creation of an item can be utilized by the organizations for various purposes or are sold by the organizations to some different makers or purchasers, in this manner expanding the monetary focal points of the creation of that specific ware. Work Economies of Scale-There stays countless laborers in the creation procedure of huge firms, each having various kinds of abilities and aptitudes. Division of work obligations and designation of attempts to the works as per their aptitudes can prompt specialization, which by sparing time and empowering creations in various spaces prompts a general expense of creation (Kemeny Storper, 2015). Economies of innovative work The creative demeanor of the innovative work groups present in the organizations regularly help them in building and actualizing imaginative procedures which help in cutting the expense of creation of products and ventures without settling on the characteristics. This thus prompts the event of economies of scale. Outside Economies of Scale-These sorts of economies of scale allude to the cost preferences or different types of financial additions which are delighted in by all the organizations in a specific
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Use Oxford Essay Samples
How to Use Oxford Essay SamplesIn order to come up with an essay that is unique and stands out among others, one of the most important components is the selection of a local or online Oxford English Supplement essay samples. By using one of these resources, you will have the resources to find the best essay writers in your area.A lot of people may not be aware of these online resources for finding essay samples. If you want to know what are the different types of essays available online, just go through this list of resources:Of course, there are other resources for different types of writing, but Oxford offers three different categories. These are short essays, research papers, and essays that take the form of a thesis statement.Using these essay samples can help make you a much better writer and give you the information you need to excel in any academic program. However, if you do not know how to use a computer properly, it is best to go through this type of resource.In order to us e the resources offered by the main center of the Oxford University, it is best to sign up with one of the resources on the site. When signing up, you can choose from several options, such as the three academic subjects, such as English, French, or Geography.You can also search for your own source from the main center. The resource center will provide you with a large number of essays for several subjects, including arts, business, civil engineering, history, engineering, sociology, religion, and the other subjects listed above.The main center of the campus will provide you with the essays for all these subjects, although many of the essays will not be of the same academic caliber. It is recommended that you find at least one essay sample for each subject.If you are in search of resources, go online now. Since so many resources are available for free, just go through the samples and choose the one that you think is the best for you.
President Andrew Jackson Essay
Andrew Jackson, our seventh President of the United States, is in rather an alright President. Considered as the â€Å"People’s President†he was extremely straight forward and genuine to â€Å"his people†. He accepts his position truly and potentially the most liberal president ever. His administration anyway was neither terrible nor great, yet shared a decent lot of each. Most importantly, the great characteristics he had was the reality he had strong duty to implement laws and retaliate against withdrawal dangers from South. Two high taxes were passed during 1828 and 1833 which expanded duties on imported remote products. The south was offended by the high tax assessment so under the Nullification demonstration that permits states to invalidate laws they don’t like. Not long after the subsequent tax was given, they framed a show to develop a military with the possibility of severance. Jackson was irritated to such an extent that he was eager to utilize all the force he needs to stop it. Luckily he had the option to make an arrangement with the Vice President John C. Calhoun, who was agreeable to the south, to bring down the duty costs. The south eased off from severance and things settled down. Besides, the awful if not malevolent obligations Jackson did during his administration was the power expulsion of Native Americans from Georgia toward the west and the closure the National Bank framework. The territory of Georgia was against the Supreme Court who was against the evacuation of the Natives. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court won, Georgia just as Jackson disregarded it and constrained the Natives out of Georgia to the current situation with Oklahoma. Numerous kicked the bucket before they even arrived. With regards to the National Bank issue, Jackson accepted that it was a syndication towards the high society individuals and accordingly decline to recharter it. Jackson utilized one of his vetoes, and the Bank’s congressional supporters needed more votes to supersede him. The Bank stopped to exist when its contract lapsed in 1836, yet even before that Jackson had debilitated it extensively by pulling back a great many dollars of government reserves. This late r brought about adding to the Panic of 1837.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A General Overview of Physical Disabilities
Handicaps can be classified into four gatherings; physical, scholarly, subjective, and mental. Every class has its causations of the incapacity, summary, and recorded foundation. The ADA assumed a significant job in characterizing for different reasons the specialized meaning of a handicap. Hence, there has been an expansion in people with handicaps over the previous years. Be that as it may, the continuum of having an incapacity despite everything exists. The four kinds of inability can be sorted into two sub-parts; undetectable and noticeable. Imperceptible incapacities are the handicaps that one may not see from the primary experience. These incapacities will just present themselves in specific situations. Obvious incapacities are progressively perceptible, generally inside the main experience. Having a physical inability implies one has a weakness that one can see and contact. Physical incapacities are analyzed utilizing normalized, quantifiable research facility techniques. By and by there are more know kinds of physical incapacities, for example, cerebral paralysis, strong dystrophy, and tangible hindrances. These handicaps all have explicit side effects and can be affirmed through state administered testing. Gained physical incapacities result from some real injury, for example, mind injury. Amicable physical inabilities are those with which the individual is brought into the world with. There are increasingly assistive advances accessible today for people with physical inabilities. There are likewise increasingly elective treatments that are being contemplated that may one day be actualized in all standard treatment rehearses. People with physical incapacities need to confront numerous difficulties that numerous without inabilities need to confront. While separation, bias, and disgrace against individuals with inabilities despite everything persevere, it turns out to be increasingly important to enable them to accomplish, independence, and a higher caliber of life. References Smart, Julie, PhD (2009) Disabiltiy, Society, andThe Individual
CP16 Podcast with Trace Anderson from CFB Strategies about Data Management for Political Campaigns
CP16 Podcast with Trace Anderson from CFB Strategies about Data Management for Political Campaigns INTRODUCTIONMartin: Today we’re having a very interesting guest who is somehow involved in the presidential campaign of 2016. Hi Trace! Who are you and what type of company are you running?Trace: Hi Martin! I’m doing great. Our company is called CFB Strategies and we are an ISP partner of And what ISP means: it stands for Independent Software Vendor and what we do is, I’ll explain in the most basic level, we have repurposed the Salesforce platform for political campaigns and for non-profits and we basically set up their data infrastructure and managed the data for those campaigns.Martin: Okay, cool. What does your entrepreneurial journey look like? What did you do before you started this company? How did you come up with the business idea?Trace: Well, I had a background in economics and law. I studied Economics in college and then made a detour to law school. And during that time I had done several internships in DC in the political world and sort of decided tha t during that period I wanted to work in politics.After law school, I moved to Washington DC, I worked in several different positions: one as a legislative aid on capitol hill, and then as an attorney, and lobbyist. During that time, had worked on several political campaigns, that’s sort of the nature of working in politics. The campaign season comes up at minimum every two years and I had some opportunities to work on some campaigns during that time. And in 2006, I got the opportunity to run a campaign in New York City and after we ran that race, I came back here and I’ve been in New York ever since and out of that experience is what prompted our entrepreneurial vision and sort of a vision for the company to provide a data platform for campaigns.Martin: So Trace, tell me, what is the difference between real politics and House of Cards?Trace: That’s a great question. Well, there’s not quite as much â€" well, I shouldn’t say there’s not quite as much drama because there i s just as much drama in real politics as there is House of Cards. It’s sort of the plotline for House of Cards where they’re killing people and getting rid of people that are in their wayâ€"that’s a little bit on the ridiculous side but all the rest of it, there’s some definite analogous story lines that go into, sort of, the everyday aspects of campaigning and building coalitions minus â€" not to say that it never happens anywayâ€"but minus the criminal aspect of getting rid of people that are in your way.Martin: So, when you came from Capitol Hill to New York, at want point in time did you think about: “Okay, I want to start this kind of company†and how did you go about starting it all up?Trace: So this is back in 2006 and I was working on a state senate race that encompassed pretty much the entirety of Staten Island, which is one of the five burrows of New York City. And during that time, this was really before sort of technology had, kind of, immersed itself in the political world and so based on my experience during that campaign, we found ourselves constantly looking for different lists. I needed a voter list for this, or we needed a volunteer list for that or we needed a call list to track down and we needed to organize some volunteers to go out and do a block walk, sort of, all those things that are very basic components of the campaign. We felt like they’ve never been managed on Excel spreadsheets.And there was an immediate recognition that this is not an efficient way to operate. There should be a way utilizing data, utilizing technology, and the internet to provide a sort of platform or cockpit, so to speak, to run all of your operations from one central place so that people can access it and work more efficiently and that’s really how the idea was born.And back then, there wasn’t really anything like that that competed to / that worked in the political space. So that was sort of our idea and we recognized it. And shortly thereaft er in 2007, we formed the company and we originally built out our own proprietary database that was based on Google Earth. So we had shaped files that would mimic the outline of the district and all the individual â€" in New York there’re called the election districts and you know, elsewhere around the country they’re commonly referred to as precincts. And so we sort of had a visual component that we could color-code based upon data results and then also you could drill down into those individual districts or the district as a whole and manage the data, target the voters, and work with the data that way. So, that’s how it started and then there’s been several products, redefinitions and different products built since then.Martin: Cool and how did you acquire your first customer? I suppose this was in New York City.Trace: It was. After the 2006 campaign, I had stayed on and I went to work as the Chief of Staff of the Senator that we got elected, his name is Andrew Lanza and I was his Chief of Staff. And my business partner, Bob Vaillancourt, he at that time was working for the local Congressman and that’sâ€"the two of usâ€"that’s how we got together. We had the idea and built the product out and then grew our work in New York in working with other campaigns and just general networking and meeting people in the same political space and then around campaigns in the New York area, that’s how we started and we got several races in the 2008 campaign cycle.Martin: And what made you think that a) you are the right person and b) it’s the right time for working on such an idea?Trace: Well, there was justâ€"at the time, in 2006 and 2008, there wasn’t anything that was really very good technologically in campaign politics. To be honest with you readers, we sort of, saw the market and knew that we can design a product â€" we felt at the time that we had designed a product that addressed all the needs that we were seeking to accomplish. And during that fir st cycle â€" 2008 cycle, we had quite a bit of a success but shortly after that, we recognized that the way that we had built our database, how we had structured it, how it was being sold to other potential clients that to scale that was going to be really, really difficult to do. And that is how we stumbled upon Salesforce â€" not stumbled upon but we were introduced to Salesforce. And we quickly recognized that Salesforce, kind of, gave us the infrastructure and all the dynamic reporting capabilities and allowed us to develop and code on top of their platform and so that’s how we were able to partner with them and to be able to scale our businessâ€" to meet the demands of the marketplace.BUSINESS MODEL OF CFB STRATEGIESMartin: Cool. Trace, let’s talk briefly about the business model of CFB Strategies. What type of business model did you start out with? What made you change some of those elements and how does the business model look like now?Trace: Well, I think there’s â€" we’re still â€"some aspects of our original business model that is currently built in into what we do. As I mentioned before, originally it was just our own proprietary database and we went out and sold it to people on a monthly basis and it was anywhere from like a six to eight month contract depending on the election cycle.Now, although we still have those same cyclical events that we face in the political world whether it’s an off-year election and â€" what I mean by off-year election: is one held in an odd year so 2011, 2013, 2015 and those typically are city or municipal races. Some states have races on those years but the typical election cycle is the one we’re currently in in 2016 and that’s the even year election cycle. So we have those, sort of, built in cyclical effects and we still sell the database but there’s two out of three components now to our business model.So, first, there’s the set-up and the architecture and actually capturing the data from our clien ts and there’s a set-up in architecting piece that in involved in setting up every client and loading and structuring the database according to their needs. Not every client is the same and they’re going to want to see different things. So there’s a little bit of tinkering at the outset to identify what those needs are and determine how we’re going to architect and set-up the database to begin with. And the point I will say in that is we’re data diagnostics so we talk to our clients and everybody kind of has a different data source that they may be familiar working with, we don’t really care what that is, we allow our clients to bring their data to us, and then we take that data and we structure it and tailor it to their needs.The second component of the business model is, sort of, the product. So, the product consists of the user licenses, the data storage, the API calls, sort of, the all the nuts and bolts of what we are selling our client. So, now we sell things by user license. So large campaigns may have fifty to a hundred users, smaller campaigns may have four or five, it just depends on the complexity of the race. And then there’s data storage costs for hosting all these information in the cloud as well as API calls when different snap-on tools and we’re transferring data to different places depending on the clients’ needs. And then on top of that, we add-on things like phones or fund raising component, or maybe an email component or possibly like a GO spacial, and other applications. And all of those things are available on the Salesforce App Exchange. So that’s another great thing about being a partner of Salesforce is that: our application is listed on the App Exchange. And then we, in turn, we make a sale to a client, we can then offer them other products or applications that they can snap-in to their Salesforce systems, so in a way we kind of view ourselves asâ€" think about it in terms of like the Apple store, right? And ther e’s the base component of everything that’s there and what their client wants and then with the Salesforce App Exchange that allows us to do is just go in and add other products that they might need during the course of the campaign, so all of those things are treated as add-ons.And then the third part of the business model is, sort of, our consulting / implementation partner side. Where this comes in is that both, my business partner Bob and I have, we have a unique or imminent understanding of politics and how campaigns run, but then it’s our job to implement the data, hierarchy and structure and work with the different members of the campaign that we are working for to make sure that they’re getting the most out of that product. So whether it is running reports, building dashboards, or setting up different hierarchies or internal divisions of the campaign it’s sort of that hands-on “Okay, how do I apply what I know of politics but also how to I apply what I know as a data manager and make these things work for the campaign.â€Martin: One thing that I’ve heard from one episode of John Oliver, the comedian, maybe you’ve heard of him. He said in one of his series that: most politicians are spending like 50-60% of their time on calling people just for raising money. And if this is true, is your service only focusing on helping politicians raise money or is there also another relationship management component involved?Trace: Although there’s a portion of our business that’s focused on fund raising, we are really more of the data infrastructure of the campaign. So in any given campaign, there’s specialist vendors that may conduct fund raising phone calls. We as a company, personally don’t do that, but what we do, do is host that data when it comes back from that vendors that’s conducting those calls, all that data comes into us so then as a campaign, we can parse that data and then work with it going forward for possibly more fundraisin g calls, maybe that’s get up vote calls, maybe it’s just identifying who the supporters are.Our platform is the infrastructure / data infrastructure for the campaigns we work with. So, one vendor may be doing fundraising phone calls, another may be doing email solicitingâ€" fundraising solicitations, another may be doing voter outreach directly based on certain issues so there’s a myriad of things and issues both in fundraising and in policy that the campaign conducts and we are the place where that data comes to live.Martin: So, when I look at the political industry, let’s call it like that, I see that the political elections on a local, on a regional and on a national level. And there’s some type of seasonality involved because on the national level, maybe only every four or five years or so there’s an election. How do you manage this kind of seasonality and can you give us some kind of hints or glimpse on how big the market for such a product is?Trace: Yes, so the sea sonality can be a tricky thing. For smaller campaigns they don’t have the same data needs at a larger campaign does. So for a lot of clients, they may come on for 8-9 months and work with us during their election cycle and, sort of, going into hibernation mode for the next year and then come back.So what we try to do in such relations like that is we’re working very intensely with them during the election cycles so that may be anywhere from 8-10 months. And then the off-year, there isn’t as much work required so, instead of completely shutting down their data organization; we will offer them reduced rate to sort of keep that data in the cloud and in that storage and in that, we call each campaign’s data organization their “orgâ€, we’ll keep their org live, alive in the cloud so that when they want to turn it back on in the next year, it’s ready to go. And of course, during that hibernation mode there’s not as much cost involved on either side so it’s at a reduced rate for that off-season year and then once it comes back on the grid, those rates are adjusted accordingly.The larger organizations and, you know, any state-wide campaign or even the national campaign, there’s a lot of work obviously goes in to building that data and these kinds of organizations have ongoing demand regardless of what year it is. So clearly there’s a lot of activity on the campaign year but even on the off-season year, fundraising is always an ongoing demand and, reaching out to voters, finding out what people are thinking and how they feel about certain issues those sort of data needs to constantly go on for larger organizations.So we find ourselves we have a mixture of both types of clients and it’s a matter of adjusting to what that particular client needs.Martin: Great, and can you give us some insights on how big is the market for such kind of product?Trace: The market is â€" it keeps growing, and growing, and growing every year. In a typical campaign e lection cycle, in 2012, the Obama campaign spent over a billion dollars. So you know that’s one campaign spending over a billion dollars and then of that billions dollars approximately 10% was set aside for technological infrastructure and innovation.So if you’re thinking that the Obama campaign in 2012, about a hundred million dollars was set aside for technology and all of that hundred million anywhere from 10-15% was set aside for infrastructure and data needs, and that’s just one campaign.So the other unique thing about this market space is that it’s a relatively new market space in politics. I don’t even think that the cap on it is potentially, possibly realized yet because there’s a lot of innovation going on, there’s a lot of things that are in campaigns that are doing otherwise now that they haven’t done before. And as you know technology constantly changes.So what I have found is that: the political world typically is about 6-7 years technology wise behind t he business world. And although we seen that sort of catch up lately I think there’s a tremendous amount of potential in where data in going and how campaigns utilize and manage their data and that’s largerly why we got into the business that we did.Martin: Great. Trace, when I’m thinking about businesses and really how to manage and control them, I’m looking at business matrix. For me the interesting things is what type of business matrix are you looking at in order to manage your business and can you give us some kind of insights on how those matrix look currently?Trace: Sure, so from a hard call stand point, as I mentioned earlier we’re an ISP partner of Salesforce. So every license we sell and every bit of data storage that we sell, we have a bottom line and we have a cost that goes along with that. And then on top of that is just how much time management and involvement is going to take to work through, managing that client and making sure that their implementation ne eds are met. So a lot of what we do we found that comes in on the consulting and implementation partner side because from a product standpoint, we have a set cost and as long as we meet those costs we’re fine from a product standpoint.Where the harder analysis and time analysis comes in is sort of on that consulting and implementation side. And a large part of our business is working with our client and managing their expectations, and most importantly finding out what they need and what they want, and then estimating accordingly: Okay, how much involvement is this going to take from our end form the human capital standpoint? And what’s a fair amount to charge for these consulting services? Because the truth is a lot of the clients we work with may never have worked with data before. So it’s a large learning curve for them so it’s, kind of, a unique dance of the client on definitely understanding that they need it, but shepherding them into, sort of, the data ecosystem and h ow to most efficiently get the most out of the services we’re providing.Martin: And Trace, is your revenue coming mainly from the consulting side or from the product side?Trace: From both, I say it’s about close to 50-50 maybe 60-40.PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2016Martin: Okay, cool. So now I’ve very interested on learning from you because this year, in the U.S, we will have the presidential campaign. How did you help Ted Cruz with your products in terms of fundraising and winning votes?Trace: Well, we’re still helping Ted Cruz in fact today is New York Primary Day and we have been fortunate enough to work for the Senator back since 2012 before he was elected to Senate. And we worked with them for over 4 years. Back then it was originally in his race of 2012 Senate race in Texas, we set up his database and managed his grass-roots efforts and get up the vote efforts and targeting voters and all that stuff.During the presidential cycle this time, we were tasked with setting up the i nfrastructure for his finance needs and his grass-roots needs. As anybody will tell you that the presidential campaign is such a large, mammoth organization, the best analogy I can give to it it’s like building up and tearing down a Fortune 500 company by 18 months. There’s a tremendous amount of money that goes in to building the infrastructure and the organization. So, we were tasked with setting up a data infrastructure for his financial team andâ€" by his financial team I mean the fundraising team on the campaign that works with him calling donors, raising money from last dollar checks and small dollar checks. So what goes into that is what we call bundlers where typically bundlers raise large dollar donations. So typically $2700 is the current federal limit in this election cycle. So any one individual can get $2700 for the primary and $2700 for the general elections, for a total of $5400.So. we built a system whereby the finance team and go out and work with those large d onors and then in turns the donors can work with their network of friends, for people that might be supporting the senator. In addition to that, all of the online and the fundraising solicitations as I mentioned early, you may have an email, there’s a vendor that’s specifically focused on soliciting email contributions and that’s the portion of the campaign they handle. So, they go out and does that task and the day later or the same day or the next day, the data comes back to us, the same thing with phone calls.And then one other component that we provided this year is as I mentioned that we had the bundling application. I had thought all along that this has an applicability towards not just large contributions but small contributions as well and why not open this up to, sort of, the grass-roots arm of the campaign and let any individual, if they want to raise money, sign up and solicit or â€" not solicit but go to their network of friends and encourage them to join the campa ign whether as a volunteer or as a fundraiser. And we launched a product called CruzCrowd in October and its, sort of, like a crowd funding application for politics and we’re the first ones to do it that I’m aware of and then it’s entirely built on the Salesforce application.So, what it does is allows people to go in an sign up for CruzCrowd and from that they get a unique URL and then can go and share that unique URL on Facebook or Twitter and encourage their friends to sign up and join the campaign. They don’t have to make a contribution, a lot of it is just spreading the word and make use for the people are hearing about the campaign and signing up for volunteer, or they want to donate money. A lot of it comes in the form of small contributions. in fact the average contribution that’s been raised on CruzCrowd has been under $21.And then on the final point on the CruzCrowd is sort of the grass-roots infrastructure, all of the volunteers and the coalitions and the people that sign up online. So when a person goes and signs up on, the website and they want to volunteer, they enter that information and what state they live in and then that data flows into our database. Then in turn, we can allow the campaign staff to reach out to them in certain states or counties when the campaign has something going on and they need to mobilize the grass-roots.ENTREPRENEURIAL ADVICE FROM TRACE ANDERSONMartin: Cool. Trace, let’s talk about your learning from your entrepreneur journey. So what type of tips can you give other people who are starting their first company?Trace: The best advice I can give is if you really believe in what you’re doingâ€" and you have to as an entrepreneur, just go for it. If you see the potential for whatever you’re doing, you got to make the decision to go for it 100% and just dive in. There’s going to be a lot of people saying: You can’t do this, you can’t do that. You can’t listen to those people, you just got to dedicate yourself to it and jump in feet first. And every day is an adventure as I’m sure every a lot of entrepreneurs has told you, you’re not sure what’s going to pop up but it’s all about attitude in my experience. There are going to be hardships and there’s going to be good times but you got to be unwavering in your dedication to it.Martin: And what is the most valuable thing for you personally in terms of being an entrepreneur?Trace: The most valuable for me as an entrepreneur is:one: I enjoy working for myself and to see a problem and to not be constrained by, sort of, bureaucracy or red tape. To be able to see a problem and to be able to work with others for my team and approach it and find a solution for it. And that’s what we try to constantly do for our clients. We try to solve problems and utilize data to solve those problems. We found that we might not have a solution immediately that’s going to fix those need or issues that arise but if you got a good m ix of creativity and approach it with a group mindset and everybody has an idea and just working together to solve that, that to me is the most rewarding thing.Martin: Cool. Trace, thank you so much for your time and for sharing your knowledge!Trace: Thanks, Martin!THANKS FOR LISTENING! Welcome to the 16th episode of our podcast!You can download the podcast to your computer or listen to it here on the blog. Click here to subscribe in iTunes. INTRODUCTIONMartin: Today we’re having a very interesting guest who is somehow involved in the presidential campaign of 2016. Hi Trace! Who are you and what type of company are you running?Trace: Hi Martin! I’m doing great. Our company is called CFB Strategies and we are an ISP partner of And what ISP means: it stands for Independent Software Vendor and what we do is, I’ll explain in the most basic level, we have repurposed the Salesforce platform for political campaigns and for non-profits and we basically set up their data infrastructure and managed the data for those campaigns.Martin: Okay, cool. What does your entrepreneurial journey look like? What did you do before you started this company? How did you come up with the business idea?Trace: Well, I had a background in economics and law. I studied Economics in college and then made a detour to law school. And during that time I had done several internships in DC in the political world and sort of decided tha t during that period I wanted to work in politics.After law school, I moved to Washington DC, I worked in several different positions: one as a legislative aid on capitol hill, and then as an attorney, and lobbyist. During that time, had worked on several political campaigns, that’s sort of the nature of working in politics. The campaign season comes up at minimum every two years and I had some opportunities to work on some campaigns during that time. And in 2006, I got the opportunity to run a campaign in New York City and after we ran that race, I came back here and I’ve been in New York ever since and out of that experience is what prompted our entrepreneurial vision and sort of a vision for the company to provide a data platform for campaigns.Martin: So Trace, tell me, what is the difference between real politics and House of Cards?Trace: That’s a great question. Well, there’s not quite as much â€" well, I shouldn’t say there’s not quite as much drama because there i s just as much drama in real politics as there is House of Cards. It’s sort of the plotline for House of Cards where they’re killing people and getting rid of people that are in their wayâ€"that’s a little bit on the ridiculous side but all the rest of it, there’s some definite analogous story lines that go into, sort of, the everyday aspects of campaigning and building coalitions minus â€" not to say that it never happens anywayâ€"but minus the criminal aspect of getting rid of people that are in your way.Martin: So, when you came from Capitol Hill to New York, at want point in time did you think about: “Okay, I want to start this kind of company†and how did you go about starting it all up?Trace: So this is back in 2006 and I was working on a state senate race that encompassed pretty much the entirety of Staten Island, which is one of the five burrows of New York City. And during that time, this was really before sort of technology had, kind of, immersed itself in the political world and so based on my experience during that campaign, we found ourselves constantly looking for different lists. I needed a voter list for this, or we needed a volunteer list for that or we needed a call list to track down and we needed to organize some volunteers to go out and do a block walk, sort of, all those things that are very basic components of the campaign. We felt like they’ve never been managed on Excel spreadsheets.And there was an immediate recognition that this is not an efficient way to operate. There should be a way utilizing data, utilizing technology, and the internet to provide a sort of platform or cockpit, so to speak, to run all of your operations from one central place so that people can access it and work more efficiently and that’s really how the idea was born.And back then, there wasn’t really anything like that that competed to / that worked in the political space. So that was sort of our idea and we recognized it. And shortly thereaft er in 2007, we formed the company and we originally built out our own proprietary database that was based on Google Earth. So we had shaped files that would mimic the outline of the district and all the individual â€" in New York there’re called the election districts and you know, elsewhere around the country they’re commonly referred to as precincts. And so we sort of had a visual component that we could color-code based upon data results and then also you could drill down into those individual districts or the district as a whole and manage the data, target the voters, and work with the data that way. So, that’s how it started and then there’s been several products, redefinitions and different products built since then.Martin: Cool and how did you acquire your first customer? I suppose this was in New York City.Trace: It was. After the 2006 campaign, I had stayed on and I went to work as the Chief of Staff of the Senator that we got elected, his name is Andrew Lanza and I was his Chief of Staff. And my business partner, Bob Vaillancourt, he at that time was working for the local Congressman and that’sâ€"the two of usâ€"that’s how we got together. We had the idea and built the product out and then grew our work in New York in working with other campaigns and just general networking and meeting people in the same political space and then around campaigns in the New York area, that’s how we started and we got several races in the 2008 campaign cycle.Martin: And what made you think that a) you are the right person and b) it’s the right time for working on such an idea?Trace: Well, there was justâ€"at the time, in 2006 and 2008, there wasn’t anything that was really very good technologically in campaign politics. To be honest with you readers, we sort of, saw the market and knew that we can design a product â€" we felt at the time that we had designed a product that addressed all the needs that we were seeking to accomplish. And during that fir st cycle â€" 2008 cycle, we had quite a bit of a success but shortly after that, we recognized that the way that we had built our database, how we had structured it, how it was being sold to other potential clients that to scale that was going to be really, really difficult to do. And that is how we stumbled upon Salesforce â€" not stumbled upon but we were introduced to Salesforce. And we quickly recognized that Salesforce, kind of, gave us the infrastructure and all the dynamic reporting capabilities and allowed us to develop and code on top of their platform and so that’s how we were able to partner with them and to be able to scale our businessâ€" to meet the demands of the marketplace.BUSINESS MODEL OF CFB STRATEGIESMartin: Cool. Trace, let’s talk briefly about the business model of CFB Strategies. What type of business model did you start out with? What made you change some of those elements and how does the business model look like now?Trace: Well, I think there’s â€" we’re still â€"some aspects of our original business model that is currently built in into what we do. As I mentioned before, originally it was just our own proprietary database and we went out and sold it to people on a monthly basis and it was anywhere from like a six to eight month contract depending on the election cycle.Now, although we still have those same cyclical events that we face in the political world whether it’s an off-year election and â€" what I mean by off-year election: is one held in an odd year so 2011, 2013, 2015 and those typically are city or municipal races. Some states have races on those years but the typical election cycle is the one we’re currently in in 2016 and that’s the even year election cycle. So we have those, sort of, built in cyclical effects and we still sell the database but there’s two out of three components now to our business model.So, first, there’s the set-up and the architecture and actually capturing the data from our clien ts and there’s a set-up in architecting piece that in involved in setting up every client and loading and structuring the database according to their needs. Not every client is the same and they’re going to want to see different things. So there’s a little bit of tinkering at the outset to identify what those needs are and determine how we’re going to architect and set-up the database to begin with. And the point I will say in that is we’re data diagnostics so we talk to our clients and everybody kind of has a different data source that they may be familiar working with, we don’t really care what that is, we allow our clients to bring their data to us, and then we take that data and we structure it and tailor it to their needs.The second component of the business model is, sort of, the product. So, the product consists of the user licenses, the data storage, the API calls, sort of, the all the nuts and bolts of what we are selling our client. So, now we sell things by user license. So large campaigns may have fifty to a hundred users, smaller campaigns may have four or five, it just depends on the complexity of the race. And then there’s data storage costs for hosting all these information in the cloud as well as API calls when different snap-on tools and we’re transferring data to different places depending on the clients’ needs. And then on top of that, we add-on things like phones or fund raising component, or maybe an email component or possibly like a GO spacial, and other applications. And all of those things are available on the Salesforce App Exchange. So that’s another great thing about being a partner of Salesforce is that: our application is listed on the App Exchange. And then we, in turn, we make a sale to a client, we can then offer them other products or applications that they can snap-in to their Salesforce systems, so in a way we kind of view ourselves asâ€" think about it in terms of like the Apple store, right? And ther e’s the base component of everything that’s there and what their client wants and then with the Salesforce App Exchange that allows us to do is just go in and add other products that they might need during the course of the campaign, so all of those things are treated as add-ons.And then the third part of the business model is, sort of, our consulting / implementation partner side. Where this comes in is that both, my business partner Bob and I have, we have a unique or imminent understanding of politics and how campaigns run, but then it’s our job to implement the data, hierarchy and structure and work with the different members of the campaign that we are working for to make sure that they’re getting the most out of that product. So whether it is running reports, building dashboards, or setting up different hierarchies or internal divisions of the campaign it’s sort of that hands-on “Okay, how do I apply what I know of politics but also how to I apply what I know as a data manager and make these things work for the campaign.â€Martin: One thing that I’ve heard from one episode of John Oliver, the comedian, maybe you’ve heard of him. He said in one of his series that: most politicians are spending like 50-60% of their time on calling people just for raising money. And if this is true, is your service only focusing on helping politicians raise money or is there also another relationship management component involved?Trace: Although there’s a portion of our business that’s focused on fund raising, we are really more of the data infrastructure of the campaign. So in any given campaign, there’s specialist vendors that may conduct fund raising phone calls. We as a company, personally don’t do that, but what we do, do is host that data when it comes back from that vendors that’s conducting those calls, all that data comes into us so then as a campaign, we can parse that data and then work with it going forward for possibly more fundraisin g calls, maybe that’s get up vote calls, maybe it’s just identifying who the supporters are.Our platform is the infrastructure / data infrastructure for the campaigns we work with. So, one vendor may be doing fundraising phone calls, another may be doing email solicitingâ€" fundraising solicitations, another may be doing voter outreach directly based on certain issues so there’s a myriad of things and issues both in fundraising and in policy that the campaign conducts and we are the place where that data comes to live.Martin: So, when I look at the political industry, let’s call it like that, I see that the political elections on a local, on a regional and on a national level. And there’s some type of seasonality involved because on the national level, maybe only every four or five years or so there’s an election. How do you manage this kind of seasonality and can you give us some kind of hints or glimpse on how big the market for such a product is?Trace: Yes, so the sea sonality can be a tricky thing. For smaller campaigns they don’t have the same data needs at a larger campaign does. So for a lot of clients, they may come on for 8-9 months and work with us during their election cycle and, sort of, going into hibernation mode for the next year and then come back.So what we try to do in such relations like that is we’re working very intensely with them during the election cycles so that may be anywhere from 8-10 months. And then the off-year, there isn’t as much work required so, instead of completely shutting down their data organization; we will offer them reduced rate to sort of keep that data in the cloud and in that storage and in that, we call each campaign’s data organization their “orgâ€, we’ll keep their org live, alive in the cloud so that when they want to turn it back on in the next year, it’s ready to go. And of course, during that hibernation mode there’s not as much cost involved on either side so it’s at a reduced rate for that off-season year and then once it comes back on the grid, those rates are adjusted accordingly.The larger organizations and, you know, any state-wide campaign or even the national campaign, there’s a lot of work obviously goes in to building that data and these kinds of organizations have ongoing demand regardless of what year it is. So clearly there’s a lot of activity on the campaign year but even on the off-season year, fundraising is always an ongoing demand and, reaching out to voters, finding out what people are thinking and how they feel about certain issues those sort of data needs to constantly go on for larger organizations.So we find ourselves we have a mixture of both types of clients and it’s a matter of adjusting to what that particular client needs.Martin: Great, and can you give us some insights on how big is the market for such kind of product?Trace: The market is â€" it keeps growing, and growing, and growing every year. In a typical campaign e lection cycle, in 2012, the Obama campaign spent over a billion dollars. So you know that’s one campaign spending over a billion dollars and then of that billions dollars approximately 10% was set aside for technological infrastructure and innovation.So if you’re thinking that the Obama campaign in 2012, about a hundred million dollars was set aside for technology and all of that hundred million anywhere from 10-15% was set aside for infrastructure and data needs, and that’s just one campaign.So the other unique thing about this market space is that it’s a relatively new market space in politics. I don’t even think that the cap on it is potentially, possibly realized yet because there’s a lot of innovation going on, there’s a lot of things that are in campaigns that are doing otherwise now that they haven’t done before. And as you know technology constantly changes.So what I have found is that: the political world typically is about 6-7 years technology wise behind t he business world. And although we seen that sort of catch up lately I think there’s a tremendous amount of potential in where data in going and how campaigns utilize and manage their data and that’s largerly why we got into the business that we did.Martin: Great. Trace, when I’m thinking about businesses and really how to manage and control them, I’m looking at business matrix. For me the interesting things is what type of business matrix are you looking at in order to manage your business and can you give us some kind of insights on how those matrix look currently?Trace: Sure, so from a hard call stand point, as I mentioned earlier we’re an ISP partner of Salesforce. So every license we sell and every bit of data storage that we sell, we have a bottom line and we have a cost that goes along with that. And then on top of that is just how much time management and involvement is going to take to work through, managing that client and making sure that their implementation ne eds are met. So a lot of what we do we found that comes in on the consulting and implementation partner side because from a product standpoint, we have a set cost and as long as we meet those costs we’re fine from a product standpoint.Where the harder analysis and time analysis comes in is sort of on that consulting and implementation side. And a large part of our business is working with our client and managing their expectations, and most importantly finding out what they need and what they want, and then estimating accordingly: Okay, how much involvement is this going to take from our end form the human capital standpoint? And what’s a fair amount to charge for these consulting services? Because the truth is a lot of the clients we work with may never have worked with data before. So it’s a large learning curve for them so it’s, kind of, a unique dance of the client on definitely understanding that they need it, but shepherding them into, sort of, the data ecosystem and h ow to most efficiently get the most out of the services we’re providing.Martin: And Trace, is your revenue coming mainly from the consulting side or from the product side?Trace: From both, I say it’s about close to 50-50 maybe 60-40.PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2016Martin: Okay, cool. So now I’ve very interested on learning from you because this year, in the U.S, we will have the presidential campaign. How did you help Ted Cruz with your products in terms of fundraising and winning votes?Trace: Well, we’re still helping Ted Cruz in fact today is New York Primary Day and we have been fortunate enough to work for the Senator back since 2012 before he was elected to Senate. And we worked with them for over 4 years. Back then it was originally in his race of 2012 Senate race in Texas, we set up his database and managed his grass-roots efforts and get up the vote efforts and targeting voters and all that stuff.During the presidential cycle this time, we were tasked with setting up the i nfrastructure for his finance needs and his grass-roots needs. As anybody will tell you that the presidential campaign is such a large, mammoth organization, the best analogy I can give to it it’s like building up and tearing down a Fortune 500 company by 18 months. There’s a tremendous amount of money that goes in to building the infrastructure and the organization. So, we were tasked with setting up a data infrastructure for his financial team andâ€" by his financial team I mean the fundraising team on the campaign that works with him calling donors, raising money from last dollar checks and small dollar checks. So what goes into that is what we call bundlers where typically bundlers raise large dollar donations. So typically $2700 is the current federal limit in this election cycle. So any one individual can get $2700 for the primary and $2700 for the general elections, for a total of $5400.So. we built a system whereby the finance team and go out and work with those large d onors and then in turns the donors can work with their network of friends, for people that might be supporting the senator. In addition to that, all of the online and the fundraising solicitations as I mentioned early, you may have an email, there’s a vendor that’s specifically focused on soliciting email contributions and that’s the portion of the campaign they handle. So, they go out and does that task and the day later or the same day or the next day, the data comes back to us, the same thing with phone calls.And then one other component that we provided this year is as I mentioned that we had the bundling application. I had thought all along that this has an applicability towards not just large contributions but small contributions as well and why not open this up to, sort of, the grass-roots arm of the campaign and let any individual, if they want to raise money, sign up and solicit or â€" not solicit but go to their network of friends and encourage them to join the campa ign whether as a volunteer or as a fundraiser. And we launched a product called CruzCrowd in October and its, sort of, like a crowd funding application for politics and we’re the first ones to do it that I’m aware of and then it’s entirely built on the Salesforce application.So, what it does is allows people to go in an sign up for CruzCrowd and from that they get a unique URL and then can go and share that unique URL on Facebook or Twitter and encourage their friends to sign up and join the campaign. They don’t have to make a contribution, a lot of it is just spreading the word and make use for the people are hearing about the campaign and signing up for volunteer, or they want to donate money. A lot of it comes in the form of small contributions. in fact the average contribution that’s been raised on CruzCrowd has been under $21.And then on the final point on the CruzCrowd is sort of the grass-roots infrastructure, all of the volunteers and the coalitions and the people that sign up online. So when a person goes and signs up on, the website and they want to volunteer, they enter that information and what state they live in and then that data flows into our database. Then in turn, we can allow the campaign staff to reach out to them in certain states or counties when the campaign has something going on and they need to mobilize the grass-roots.ENTREPRENEURIAL ADVICE FROM TRACE ANDERSONMartin: Cool. Trace, let’s talk about your learning from your entrepreneur journey. So what type of tips can you give other people who are starting their first company?Trace: The best advice I can give is if you really believe in what you’re doingâ€" and you have to as an entrepreneur, just go for it. If you see the potential for whatever you’re doing, you got to make the decision to go for it 100% and just dive in. There’s going to be a lot of people saying: You can’t do this, you can’t do that. You can’t listen to those people, you just got to dedicate yourself to it and jump in feet first. And every day is an adventure as I’m sure every a lot of entrepreneurs has told you, you’re not sure what’s going to pop up but it’s all about attitude in my experience. There are going to be hardships and there’s going to be good times but you got to be unwavering in your dedication to it.Martin: And what is the most valuable thing for you personally in terms of being an entrepreneur?Trace: The most valuable for me as an entrepreneur is:one: I enjoy working for myself and to see a problem and to not be constrained by, sort of, bureaucracy or red tape. To be able to see a problem and to be able to work with others for my team and approach it and find a solution for it. And that’s what we try to constantly do for our clients. We try to solve problems and utilize data to solve those problems. We found that we might not have a solution immediately that’s going to fix those need or issues that arise but if you got a good m ix of creativity and approach it with a group mindset and everybody has an idea and just working together to solve that, that to me is the most rewarding thing.Martin: Cool. Trace, thank you so much for your time and for sharing your knowledge!Trace: Thanks, Martin!THANKS FOR LISTENING!Thanks so much for joining our 16th podcast episode!Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.Also, please leave an honest review for The Cleverism Podcast on iTunes or on SoundCloud. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.Special thanks to Trace for joining me this week. Until next time!
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
The Role Of Images As Provided For In Millers Book On The Topic - 825 Words
The Role Of Images As Provided For In Miller's Book On The Topic (Book Review Sample) Content: From Liberation to ConquestNameCourseTutors NameDateFrom Liberation to ConquestIn 1898, the United States entered into the Spanish-American war. This war led to the American imperial acquisition of the Spanish held Pacific and Caribbean territories. The American public overwhelmingly supported that war effort. In her book From Liberation to Conquest: The Visual and Popular Cultures of the Spanish-American War of 1898, Miller (2011) explores how the American media captured the American publics interest in the Cuban crisis, through depictions of Spanish blood thirst in the region, leading to the great public support for the war.Miller (2011) argues that images are powerful tools for shaping the societys cultural perceptions. In her book From Liberation to Conquest, Miller explores the evolution of the American cultural representation of the 1898 Spanish-American war, from pre-war extended patriotism, into glorification of the American armed forces, and finally into a p ost-war disillusionment over the war, and subsequently settling into discordant debates over imperialism. Racial and gender critical notions of American identity shaped the days discourse over the war at each of the stages analyzed, creating a fluid field of changing opinion. Miller (2011) argues that the cultural expressions presented to the public shaped this discourse. Miller surveys the content of newspapers of the day from around the country, and studys motion pictures, photographs, stage plays and other cultural expressions of the time, to provide a clear presentation of the symbols, alongside the coded subtexts, that structured the American publics opinion on the countrys foreign policy.Millers perception of the notion of images includes both the written and unwritten representation of cultural phenomena. Miller (2011) uses illustrations from the considered period to show the directed shift in opinion over the course of the war. The book heavily focuses on cultural expression s, which serve an explanatory function. For instance, in just a few months, opinion shifts from the prewar jingoist praise to extensive debate over imperialism and Americas role in the world issues and politics. Most historical analysis of the war mainly focus on the mismanagement of the American war effort. In a departure from this style, Miller focuses on how the medias coverage of the problems in the American military created an opportunity, into the publics purview, for some shift in the uncritical salutation of the American military, to a more skeptical approach in viewing Americas goals. The book further illustrates the wavering views of the American media presentation, depending on the time and the action taking place in the war.The images deployed by the American opinion shapers over the 1898 Spanish-American war shaped the public perception of the war (Miller, 2011). The book shows how the media, such as newspapers reflect the publics prejudices, while simultaneously shapin g its opinion. Millers book convincingly focuses on the transition of public opinion regarding the war, from an extensive pre-war enthusiasm chorused in the media entities, to a dissenting debate on American imperialism. Before the war, the depictions are of strong American military men, who are sure to defeat the villainous Spanish and liberate an effeminate Cuba. Upon commencement of the war, the poor management of the effort results in massive casualties to diseases and malnutrition, even more than to actual combat. The war exposes feature dramatically emaciated American troops, who are disease ridden and weak, in no condition to take over the massive responsibility of acquiring and maintaining an overseas territorial empire.Miller (2011) argues that wide range of cultural productions over the war, presented through the extensive media spectacle created the stage for how the readers and viewers came to understand the war and it imperialistic conclusion. Miller presents the shifts in perspectives in media presentation of the war effort, from being a campaign of liberation, to being the cause for imperialism. During the approach of a US intervention, Cuba is frequently presented as a feminized victim, desperately in need of American (manly) liberation from the hands of the marauding Spanish villains. The explosion of the USS Maine further solidified the need for American intervention in the war. Miller (2011) notes that the countless depictions of the explosion of the Maine, throughout the American visual and print media, and throughout popular culture, became the subtext for major propelling themes for the need for American intervention in Cuba. These themes included the increased aggressiveness of Spain, for attacking the US, the vulnerability of Cuba, and the intrinsic manliness of the American country. Further, racially charged epithets were used to direct public opinion. For example, the cartoonists depiction of the Filipino leader Emilio Aguinaldo chang ed his race frequently, depending on perceived usefulness by the American public. As an US ally against Spain, he is presented as a well-groomed white gentleman. Upo...
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